Fish Balls with The Anything Red Sauce


Fish balls with anything red sauce

No-recipe fish balls with no-recipe sauce. A pretty solid plan for tonight’s dinner if you ask me.

Here’s how to go about it:

1 part chunks of raw fish (no skin) or canned fish such as tuna, albacore or salmon (drained).—I use fresh cod for the fishballs in this post.

1/2 part Breadcrumbs

1/2 part Aioli or mayonnaise

1 Beaten egg

Salt & pepper to taste

Paprika, pimentón or cayenne, or all three to taste

Some fresh lemon juice

A stick of melted butter

Some olive oil

a coating of melted butter

a coating of melted butter

Make the fish balls: Shred the fish in a food processor.  Combine with remaining ingredients and form balls the size of walnuts. If it’s hard to bind them together add more fat from mayonnaise or olive oil or melted butter. If too loose, add more breadcrumbs. For guidance: Start with 2 cups fish chunks and 1 cup breadcrumbs.

Cook them:  I put them In a tray, cover them with the melted butter and bake in a hot oven (400.F/200.C) for 15/20 minutes or until they have some resistance and are golden.

Serve with anything red sauce (no-recipe on previous post). Lemons, and probably more aioli if you have it.


with lots of aioli (garlic mayonnaise)

with lots of aioli (garlic mayonnaise)