Basic Roasted Salsa

Roasted Verde, Roja and Mixta

Roasted Verde, Roja and Mixta

You’ll find these go-to salsas in almost every Mexican house hold as well as in taquerias and food stalls all over Mexico. As with any popular dish, everyone has their own version, but I find these to be a good starting template.

Ingredients for 1 cup:

Green Roasted Salsa:

roasted mix salsa ingredients

roasted mix salsa ingredients

4 to 5 tomatillos, medium size, peeled

1/4 large white onion, peeled

1 jalapeño (or half if too large or too spicy)

1/2 tsp kosher salt

A handful of cilantro - about 10 sprigs (leaves and stem)

To make red roasted salsa: simply switch the tomatillos for 3 medium size Roma tomatoes and continue with the recipe.

To make a tomatillo and tomato roasted salsa: Use 3 tomatillos and 2 Roma tomatoes and continue with the recipe.

How to:

Roast tomatillos, onion and jalapeño in a griddle, grill or comal, until charred on all sides. Between 5 to 10 minutes.

Puree all ingredients in a blender, food processor or a volcanic rock molcajete—if you want to go the traditional route. Process to the consistency of your liking. In Mexico, salsas are mostly soupy, spooned into things ;).

Desseding a spicy jalapeño

Desseding a spicy jalapeño

Note: to asses how spicy is the pepper, cut the jalapeño in half and pay attention to its smell. If its too sharp you might want to remove the seeds or use less of it—you can always add more later.